Our next event
is a fascinating talk by archaeologist Andy Peachey on:
‘A new view down the River Deben Valley – Prehistoric, Roman and Saxon archaeology along the East Anglia One cable route’
The talk takes place on:
Monday 11th March 2019
7:30 PM
St Michael’s Church Centre,
The Drift, Martlesham Heath, Suffolk. IP5 3PL
Admission £5 at the door
Andy is an archaeologist who has been working across East Anglia for the last 15 years and over the last two years on a major project, The East Anglia One cable route. This is a corridor excavated along the Deben Valley, through the northern part of Martlesham before passing over Ipswich to connect the new Wind Farm to the National Grid.
He will be talking about the amazing finds discovered during work for these wind farm cables. Earlier last year there was a lot in the press about the interesting and unexpected things unearthed by archaeologists, especially on a site close to Martlesham. These included an exciting array of new settlement evidence, including Roman and Saxon buildings; and an exceptional prehistoric monument, trackway and artefacts that may coincide with the earliest settlements and agriculture in the region approximately 4000 years BC.
Many very unexpected finds were discovered close to Martlesham and were featured on BBC Four’s ‘Digging for Britain’ television programme on 12th December 2018.
Why not come along and hear all about these new discoveries.
All welcome.
There will be light refreshments and a raffle.
The venue is fully accessible and there is adjacent free parking.