  • Applications


The Aim of the Fund is to advance the education of the public in the subject of music, to encourage people to get involved with making music and give support to those already involved in music.

Grants are only open to United Kingdom (UK) based individuals or groups/societies/organisations/schools and the closing date for applications is 1st January each year. Guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from this website.

Applications can be sent at anytime during the year but will not be considered until after the 1st January deadline and any grant awarded will be sent by cheque within two months (by 1st March).

Application forms must be completed in full and sent in accordance with the guidelines. If you would like an acknowledgement of receipt of your application please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

Application form individuals

Application guidelines individuals

Application form groups

Application guidelines groups

Welcome , today is Sunday, September 1, 2024
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